Top Picks: Skating Gear for Comfortable Practice & New Boot Break-in

Skating Gear for Comfortable Practice & New Boot Break-in

Hello, fellow skaters! Recently, one of our readers reached out with a request for tips on managing new boot break-in and handling those troublesome blisters. It got me thinking: why not transform this into a comprehensive blog post focused on training gear and accessories?

Let’s dive right in:

Bunga pads: These are gel pads that wrap around your ankle, perfect for breaking in new boots. But hey, some of us keep wearing them long after that stage because, let’s face it, they’re comfy! Personally I love the extra ankle support. I recently switched to these so that I can cut them to the exact size I want because I don’t like having too much pad peeking out at the top of my boots. I wear these over my socks without issue, but I know other skaters put them on then put their socks over so the pads don’t move. Either method works; it just means cleaning the pads more often if they are directly on your skin.

Toe pads: This one’s a recent find for me. I was getting some rubbing on one toe (ouch!), so I gave these a shot. And you know what? They’ve been a game-changer. If you’re battling blisters, these could be your new BFFs, especially if, like me, your band-aids move around when you skate.

Insoles: Custom insoles are a must for me with every new pair of boots. They keep my feet happy and level in my skates. I add the Edea Anti-shock pad under the insole to help with the constant pounding from training. I’m told these come standard in the Edea Piano model. I originally purchased these when I was in Jackson boots and they fit and worked fine. Fun fact, they did need to be cut slightly to fit in my Edea boots. I recommended these to a fellow skater who was having issues with shin splints and she felt the difference and liked them too.

Socks: Not just any socks, mind you. I’ve found these slightly thicker ones that are total winners. They soak up sweat and keep my boots feeling dryer. I only wish they were slightly taller.

Leg warmers: Ah, the trusty leg warmers. Perfect for keeping your tootsies warm in those chilly rinks. Plus, my latest pair goes over my knees, which is an unexpected bonus. Extra warmth and a bit of padding for those knee slides? Yes, please!

Leggings: I’m all about the winter vs. summer leggings game. The lined ones are a lifesaver in cold rinks. I’m a big fan of the Under Armour line.

Butt pads: Most of my training sessions are what I would call ‘everything sessions’ meaning I’m working on skating skills, jumps, spins, program run-throughs, working on a new jump and some new combinations. Because of this and the fact that I hate to take time out of a session to put on the pads I simply wear them most of the time. Mine are thin and don’t get in the way or feel too warm. When I very first started wearing them I thought it would bother me to take them off for testing, competitions, etc. but after a few times, it didn’t affect me at all.

Padded gloves: After breaking my wrist, I started wearing pads in my gloves. But those gel pads were just too bulky. These ones are sleek and offer some extra protection without being too obvious.

So, there you have it—my go-to accessories for making practice a little comfier and a lot more enjoyable. Do you have any favorites of your own? Let me know in the comments below!