Navigating Social Media as an Athlete: Tips for Success

Tips on navigating social media as an athlete

Striking a Balance:

Social media is a double-edged sword – it’s a source of education, inspiration, and connection, but it can also chip away at confidence and induce stress. So, how can athletes set themselves up for success? In a recent sit-down talk with Kelsey Griffith, MS,  a mental skills specialist at the Micheli Center, we unraveled the profound impact of social media on athletes’ performance and well-being. It was a conversation that left an impact, and I hope you’ll find it as helpful as I did.

Navigating the Social Media Landscape:

Let’s start with who you follow. Seeking out professionals with evidence-based content, such as coaches and certified trainers, can help transform your feed into an educational resource. Ask yourself why you’re posting or consuming specific content – make sure it’s intentional. Beware of comparing yourself to end result posts, such as someone landing a specific jump. Remember, you are seeing the result only, not the work, frustrations, or setbacks that went into it. Enjoyable content is entirely acceptable; those skateboarding puppies can stay. Kelsey also emphasized the importance of timing – check your feed when your mental state allows it to have a positive impact. Remember, most of social media is a highlight reel, showcasing positive end results and not ‘real life.’ Kelsey’s advice? Create your own highlight reel by jotting down personal wins each day.

Sleep Recovery and Stress Management:

Now, let’s talk sleep. Social media habits can mess with your sleep, impacting athletic performance. Managing stress, often heightened by social media, is vital for quality sleep, mental resilience, and sustained focus. Consider habit stacking – plug in your phone and cue yourself for 5 minutes of breathing exercises to help re-regulate your nervous system. Set screen-time limits, an easy task on your phone at the app level. The link between social media-induced stress and sleep disruption is real, making it essential to establish healthy screen-time habits and keep phones away from bedtime.

Empowering Athletes:

Athletes, here are your power moves. Consume evidence-based content, create personal highlight reels, set time limits, and develop stress management strategies. The overarching message? Be mindful of your social media habits, make intentional choices, and prioritize your well-being.

Key Takeaways and Future Considerations:

Kelsey’s insights serve as a guide for athletes to navigate the social media landscape while safeguarding their mental well-being. Ongoing education about the pros and cons of social media platforms is key. As you embark on your journey to find balance, let these strategies be your compass, helping you harness the benefits of social media while sidestepping potential drawbacks.

Do you have a strategy that’s worked for you? Share it in the comments below!


1 Comment

  1. Tam

    Helpful reminder… we are the master of our thoughts, minds and practices! Nice tips Kelsey, taking note daily of personal highlights/ wins ( no matter how consequential) and habit stacking! Good read!