Is it time for a skating reset?

Is it time for a skating reset?

,   As we glide through January, a month often associated with fresh starts, new goals and resolutions, why not consider a skating reset? As athletes, we sometimes find ourselves immersed in weeks or months of intense training, have a week of...

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I’m not lost, I’m exploring…

Have you ever stumbled into an unexpected journey? That's exactly where my figure skating adventure began, not on the ice but from the comfort of my couch. While most folks turned on the TV and tuned in for football, I found myself captivated by...

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Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog

Why the blog? In the quiet hours just before dawn, while waiting for the sun to rise, there exists a realm where passion and art intertwine. This blog is born from a personal journey, a quest for information about a sport that goes beyond...

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