I’m Christina, an adult skater who embarked on an unconventional journey into the world of figure skating. Along this path, I encountered the unique challenge of seeking genuine information about the sport, from the intricacies of skate fittings to discovering fitness and training programs tailored for the ice.
In the vast expanse of the internet, I noticed a gap—resources that were either tailored to elite skaters or focused on personal progress tracking on social media. Motivated by this gap, my personal journey evolved into this blog, which serves as an embodiment of my exploration—a community curated to provide valuable information and inspiration. It’s more than a repository of facts; it’s a dynamic space where enthusiasts and seekers, like yourself, come together to share experiences, insights, and inspiration.
So, I invite you to join me as we uncover the beauty, navigate the challenges, and share the joys of figure skating together.